步骤Involved in Brick Manufacturing

Manufacturing of bricks consists of the following 4 operations or steps.

  1. 制备砖粘土或砖土
  2. 砖的成型
  3. Air drying of bricks
  4. 燃烧砖块
The process of brick making
The process of brick making


In this step the soil is excavated in steps and then laid on leveled ground. Then the soil is cleaned of impurities such as vegetation matter, stones or pebbles etc. After removing impurities it is exposed to weather for few months. This is called the process of weathering. After completion of weathering process the soil is blended with other material to prepare good brick earth. Then the mixed soil is tempered by being thoroughly broken up, watered and kneaded. The tempering is usually done in pug mill.

2.Moulding of Bricks

砖s are moulded in many ways depending on the quality of the product to be made. Generally the moulding is done in the following two ways

  • 手工成型
  • Machine moulding

For hand moulding the tempered clay is forced in the mould in such a way that it fills all the corners of the mould. Extra clay is removed either by wooden strike or frame with wire. Mould is then lifted up and raw brick is left on ground.


  • Plastic clay machines
  • Dry clay machines

In plastic clay machine the clay in plastic state is forced to rectangular openings of a size equal to the length and breadth of the bricks and are then cut into strips of thickness of the brick with wires in frames.


3.Drying of Bricks


  • If damp bricks or green bricks are directly taken to burning then, they are likely to be cracked and distorted
  • To remove maximum moisture from the brick so as to save time and fuel during burning
  • 为了提高生砖的强度,以便可以在窑炉中处理和堆叠更高的高度,以燃烧而不会损坏。

4.Burning of the Bricks

It is the very important step in manufacture of bricks. Bricks may be burnt by two distinct methods given below.

  • Burning in a clamp or Pazawah known asclamp burning
  • Burning in a flame kiln or Bhatta known askiln burning

在夹具中,一批绿砖与柴火,煤炭等一起堆积,并用粘土密封。然后将其缓慢发射到强烈的热量,这可能需要很多天。然而,现代窑炉是由许多房间组成的永久性结构。有间歇和连续的窑炉. Moulded clay is stacked in the chambers. They are then slowly dried and burned to high temperature and cooled. One cycle of loading, drying, burning, cooling and emptying may take as much as two weeks. These processes are carried out intermittently in intermittent kilns and in cyclic order in continuous kilns.



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